14.03.03 - The EPP has released Kindle editions of many of its works! See our Mobile page for more information.
06.01.10 - Version 3.0 is available for purchase.
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Version 3.0 Screenshots
This screenshot shows the basic layout of the product. There are five main regions (each with a different color, as seen below). Each region displays different kinds of material as you use the CD.

This screenshot shows the product in use.
The lower left region is showing the Table of Contents for Gospel Worship, Vol. 2 of 2 by Archibald Hall.
One of the chapters in Gospel Worship has been clicked on and its text is displayed in the lower right region.
A verse from the text (2 Tim 3:5) has been clicked on, and its cross-reference is displaying in the upper left region. The cross-reference list shows every other place on the CD where that verse (2 Tim 3:5) is used. Any of the entries in the list can be clicked on, and the corresponding book will be displayed in the lower right, opened to the place where that verse is used.

This screenshot is showing two things: the Bible and the Glossary.
Bible: The lower right region is displaying a list of all the books of the Bible. Genesis has been clicked on, and a list of all its chapters has been displayed to the right. Genesis 50 has been clicked on, and the Bible text for it is displaying in the lower left region.
Glossary: The upper right region is showing part of the glossary words along with their definitions. One of the words, "pacificatory", has been clicked on and a cross-reference for it is displaying in the upper left region.

In the screenshot below, a page from the Devotion section is shown. Each day of the year has its own page like the one in the lower left region. These pages display the scripture readings and excerpts from devotional works for that day.
Notice in the screenshot that the link for C. H. Spurgeon's Morning devotional was clicked. It displayed page 428 of Morning and Evening (which is the devotional for the Morning of August 1) in the lower right region.
